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Enlightened: These are the 6 biggest enemies of your gut

Although the intestine is the largest organ in our body, we often don't handle it too well. We tell you 6 things that harm your intestinal flora.


Whether hormone preparations like birth control pills or antibiotics: Pills have a massive impact on your intestinal health. Antibiotics not only destroy harmful bacteria, but also beneficial intestinal bacteria - the result is a growing susceptibility to disease. As a study also shows, the birth control pill carries a significantly higher risk of developing inflammatory bowel disease. Especially when it comes to drugs with high doses of estrogen.

Sugar and fat

Okay, we probably all fall into the sugar and fat trap every now and then. For the sake of your intestines, however, you should avoid consuming foods rich in fat and sugar - especially in combination. Not only because your intestines can only absorb a limited amount of it, but also because sugar and fat are major risk factors for inflammatory bowel disease.

Dairy products

Many adults do not tolerate milk well - around 20 per cent of the German population suffers from lactose intoleranceSome people simply cannot digest milk sugar properly. It migrates to the large intestine, where it is fermented and ultimately causes gas and diarrhoea. But even for people who do not suffer from intolerance, dairy products should be consumed with caution, as they can lead to a massive build-up of mucus in the digestive system.

Animal protein

You should only eat animal protein in moderation. Because: As a study has shown, animal proteins are associated with a higher risk of premature death. In concrete terms: red meat, such as beef or pork, which is known to be high in protein, can increase the risk of colon cancer. Anyone who eats meat once or twice a week - and chews it well so that it is digested well - should be on the safe side, however.


Stress not only causes headaches and neck tension but in the worst case can also damage the intestinal floraBecause one thing is sure: there is a direct line between the brain and our digestive organs. The nerve cells that are located in the gastrointestinal tract are controlled and influenced by the brain. If the brain reports stress, this can result in abdominal pressure, nausea and diarrhoea.


Have you learned to have five small meals instead of three large meals? Then let me tell you: the intestines need at least three hours between meals to regenerate and cleanse. If you follow this simple rule, you will prevent ailments such as constipation, diarrhoea, and inflammation in the intestines.

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